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Brand Journalism Article

How positive adult mentors help influence our youth

It’s no secret that kids who participate in youth mentoring programs tend to excel. But just how exactly does involvement in a mentorship program correlate to a child’s success? Well, you came to the right place!


First, let’s gain a better understanding of what these programs are. Youth mentorship programs pair children of all ages with trusted adults who become influential role models for them. These relationships often result in creating strong support systems, as well as forming lifelong bonds between the two participants. 


Now, let’s dive into ways youth are benefiting from strong adult mentors:


  1. Promotes healthy lifestyle decisions 

Kids must have positive role models due to their minds being easily influenced and shaped during childhood development. This can be difficult for children who lack caring adults in their lives or issues at home. Oftentimes, this lack of positive role models or support can lead children to make unhealthy decisions as they grow up. When involved in a mentorship program, kids can develop trusting and caring relationships with an adult figure to guide them. It has been proven that youth who have constant positive influences are less likely to take part in risky behaviors. Having an adult mentor is a great way for a child to be positively influenced. As relationships grow, youth participants begin to make healthy choices consistently in their day-to-day lives. 


   2. Increases self-esteem 

Self-confidence is crucial for a child’s development, as it allows them to succeed in many aspects throughout their life due to having trust in themselves. Confidence has been linked to building children’s motivation, sense of purpose and resilience while reducing negative emotions like fear or anxiety. Being confident in yourself doesn’t always come naturally and can be challenging at times. Confidence is often taught or influenced by adult figures. This influence can be damaging to a child’s self-esteem if they grow up in an unsupportive environment. When a child feels truly supported and cared for by an adult, they tend to be able to build self-esteem. Youth mentor programs are a great way to provide children with a consistent source of encouragement. 

Participation in programs that offer adult mentorships can be especially beneficial for children who:

  • Face social and economic challenges (poverty, lack of education, discrimination, etc.)   

  • Live in foster care

  • Have a parent in jail


   3. Improves education

How a child does in school can often be directly affected by the adults in their life. When a child lacks discipline and structure at home, it reflects in their academic performance. It is critical that children have an adult figure that will encourage them to succeed in their education. Youth mentoring programs provide children with a personal role model whom they can turn to when struggling with school. It has been proven that 59% of teenagers who participate in youth development programs have an increase in their grades. This fact isn’t shocking when reflecting on actually how influential adult mentors can be when it comes to academic success. Adult mentors can assist children in school by:

  • Helping them study

  • Discussing their education experience and knowledge

  • Providing words of encouragement 

To ensure the success of our youth, it can be beneficial to promote participation in adult mentorship programs. Children who have an adult mentor are less likely to skip school, which allows them to be more engaged in classes and do better in school.


   4. Builds better communities

Children can fall victim to making bad decisions as they are easily influenced by others. Negative role models influence children to make harmful decisions as they get older, oftentimes resulting in youth violence. Mentor program allows children to gain positive development and assist in decreasing youth violence. Reducing youth violence allows for communities to grow stronger by creating a healthy foundation for children to grow in. Children have expressed that mentors help them learn right from wrong, as well as influence them to make better life choices. 

These are just a few ways children can benefit from having an adult mentor. The key to helping children succeed is pairing them with positive influences who guide them. These strong relationships allow our youth to grow into empowered individuals. 

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